How to Prevent Kidney Disease

Guidelines by
Dr. Shashank Shetty.

Regular Check-ups

Maintain Blood Pressure

Balance Healthy Diet

Manage Blood Sugar

Stay Hydrated

Avoid Over-the-Counter NSAIDs

Limit Alcohol and Tobacco

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Avoid Excessive Supplements

Stay Informed

Safeguarding Kidney Health

Kidney disease is an alarming health concern affecting millions worldwide. As the best nephrologist in Bangalore, Dr. Shashank Shetty, a renowned Nephrologist and Transplant Physician at ASTER CMI Hospital and Kriyashila Hospitals, shares invaluable insights on preventing kidney disease. His qualifications, including DM – Nephrology, MD – General Medicine, and MBBS, have equipped him with profound knowledge in this arena

Understanding Kidney Disease

The kidneys are vital organs that filter toxins from our blood, regulate fluid balance, and maintain electrolyte balance. Kidney disease refers to the condition when the kidneys cannot perform these functions effectively.

Dr. Shashank Shetty

Guidelines for Preventing Kidney Disease

Regular Check-ups

Regular health screenings can detect kidney anomalies early. Dr. Shetty, given his experience as the best nephrologist in Bangalore, strongly recommends annual health checks, especially if you have risk factors like diabetes or hypertension.

Maintain Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor. Keeping your blood pressure under control can significantly reduce the risk of kidney disease.

Manage Blood Sugar

Diabetes is a leading cause of kidney disease. Regular monitoring and management of blood sugar levels can prevent complications

Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate water helps the kidneys clear sodium, urea, and toxins from the body, reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease.

Avoid Over-the-Counter NSAIDs

Regular and prolonged use of non-prescription pain relievers can cause kidney damage. Always consult with healthcare professionals before prolonged use.

Limit Alcohol and Tobacco

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can strain your kidneys. Dr. Shetty advises limiting or avoiding these for optimal kidney health.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity increases the risk of kidney disease. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help maintain an optimal weight.

Avoid Excessive Supplements

Overconsumption of certain supplements might harm the kidneys. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.

Stay Informed

In the age of information, it’s essential to stay updated. Look out for seminars or sessions by reputed professionals like Dr. Shetty or search “nephrologist near me” to get a list of qualified specialists in your vicinity.

Healthy Diet

Consuming a balanced diet with appropriate salt and protein intake is crucial. Avoid processed foods, which often contain large amounts of salt and sugar.

Finding the Right Specialist

Early detection and management play a pivotal role in preventing kidney disease. If you are in Bangalore and surrounding regions, Dr. Shashank Shetty, with his vast experience and expertise, stands out as a beacon of hope in the field of nephrology. Looking up "DR Shashank Shetty" or "nephrologist near me" can provide more insights into his contributions and patient reviews.

In Conclusion

Preventing kidney disease involves a combination of a healthy lifestyle, regular health checks, and staying informed. It's always beneficial to be proactive, especially when it comes to health. If you ever feel the need for a nephrology consultation, remember to consider top professionals like Dr. Shashank Shetty, the best nephrologist in Bangalore, to guide you towards better kidney health.